Saturday, January 7, 2012

I've got a damn nightmare that made me unhappy all the time. I don't know Am I doing the right thing ? and deciding the right decision ? Am I? I don't know what next. I don't want this will be gettin' worse. But thank god I gotta date with my friends, lol kucing n' kembar. we were actually playing at cimon, in a swimmin' pool, it was so exciting, know the sad comes again, lol. 
Destiny isn't what destiny is. Destiny is about what we choose. 
I wish I didn't make it worse. I wish I can get better, that's all I wanted, amin. 
And for all, don't worry, I just have this one lil' problem, SCHOOL. 
I want this is gonna be really over, and new really new life, not in this school.
oh I can take it, I can handle this, amin.